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[2024 ]65 Sightseeing Spots in Okinawa! Carefully selected from the best places to the worst places!

[2024 ]65 Sightseeing Spots in Okinawa! Carefully selected from the best places to the worst places!

2023-06-13 Management office

Blue sky and blue sea. This scenery, which symbolizes Okinawa, liberates the body and soul. Okinawa has a wonderful ocean, but there are many other attractive tourist spots in the prefecture as well. Okinawa Prefecture is made up of many remote islands, and even though they are part of the same prefecture, for example, the main island of Okinawa and Ishigaki Island are separated by a distance of about 400 km. In this article, we will introduce the 65 best sightseeing spots in Okinawa, the main island of Okinawa, the surrounding islands, Miyako Island and its surrounding islands, Ishigaki Island and its surrounding islands, and other attractive sightseeing spots in each area.
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Management office

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main island of Okinawa

Cape Hendo

Cape Hendo is the northernmost cape on the main island of Okinawa, and Yoron Island in Kagoshima Prefecture can be seen on the horizon. In the center of the cape is a monument dedicated to the struggle for the reversion of Japan to the motherland. Cape Hendo is designated as Okinawa Coast National Park and has a well-maintained promenade, making it an easy spot to explore. The cliffs are quite high and dangerous, so be careful to stay away from the unfenced rocks.

"Basic Information "
Address:Hendo, Kunigami Village
Access: 2 hours and 30 minutes by car from Naha Airport
Fee: Free of charge
Phone number: 0980-41-2622 (Kunigami Village Office, Planning, Commerce, Industry and Tourism Division)

Boulder Forest Mountain

Oishi-Rinzan (Mt. Oishi Rinzan) is a landform characterized by oddly shaped rocks, which were formed when limestone rocks formed under the sea during the Paleozoic era appeared on the surface of the earth due to tectonic movements. The unique landscape of oddly shaped rocks spreading out in the Yanbaru forest is breathtaking, and you can admire the oddly shaped rocks while walking along two trekking trails and viewing a huge banyan tree. From the top of the mountain, you can also see the ocean from Cape Hendo, making it a popular spot to enjoy the Yanbaru forest. The site is also known as a sacred place in Ryukyu mythology, and visitors can learn about Okinawa's stone culture at the Okinawa Stone Culture Museum.

"Basic Information "
Residence: 1241 Yimingjin, Guotou Village
Access: 2 hours by car from Naha Airport
Fee: 1,200 yen
Phone number: 0980-41-8117


Hichi Great Falls boasts a drop of 25.7 meters, making it the largest waterfall on Okinawa's main island, which has no high mountains. The abundant water of the Hichi River is home to a variety of living creatures, allowing visitors to experience the rich nature of the Yanbaru forest. A 40-minute one-way trip along the well-maintained walking trail offers a variety of subtropical plants, and there is a possibility of encountering endemic species such as the Honou red-breasted moustache. There is a river play area downstream, where visitors can enjoy playing in the relatively slow current of the river. Camping (lodging) is by reservation only, so be sure to call ahead of time.

"Basic Information "
Residence: 781-1, Bidi, Guotou Village
Access: 2 hours by car from Naha Airport
Fee: 500 yen (admission fee)
Phone number: 0980-41-3636

tahtaki (species of waterfall, Polygonum hydropiper formosum)

Tha Falls, a secluded spot in Yanbaru, is a waterfall with a drop of more than 10 meters. The name "Tha Falls" ( "Tha ") means "two" in Japanese, and is so called because of the appearance of two cascading waterfalls. When the water volume increases due to heavy rain, a third waterfall appears on the left side, but it is difficult to see the third waterfall because it is not easy to reach the waterfall when the third waterfall appears because of the river trekking up the river to get there. River trekking can be enjoyed by beginners as well, as guided tours are available with a professional guide. Depending on the tour, you may be able to do waterfall work right under the waterfall or jump into a small waterfall along the way.

"Basic Information "
Residence: 1570-1 Tsukuba, Omi-mura
Access: 2 hours by car from Naha Airport
Fee: 500 yen (Parking fee for passenger cars, up to 2 hours)
Phone number: 0980-44-3007 (Ogimi Village Hall, Planning and Tourism Division)

Arashiyama Observatory

Arashiyama Observatory is located on a hill northwest of Nago City and overlooks the Hanechi Inland Sea. The Hanechi Inland Sea is also known as the Seto Inland Sea of Okinawa, a calm sea with many small islands, including Yagaji Island, floating above it, offering a beautiful contrast between the sea and greenery. It is not a tourist spot, so it is a great place to relax and enjoy the spectacular view. The only drawback is that there is no public transportation, but it is a recommended spot to visit when you come to Nago or its suburbs with a rental car.

"Basic Information "
Residence: 1460 呉我, Nago City
Access: Approximately 40 minutes by car from the Hsuuda IC
Fee: Free of charge
Phone number: 0980-53-7755 (Nago City Tourist Association)

Koo Woo Lee Island

Kouri Island is a small island in the northern part of Okinawa's main island, connected to Yagaji Island (which is also connected to the main island by a bridge) by the Kouri Bridge, a beautiful island surrounded by emerald green waters. The view of the Kouri Ohashi Bridge, which spans 2 km over the crystal clear ocean, is truly spectacular, and the view of the bridge and the ocean from both ends of the bridge is a must-see spot. The Kouri Ocean Tower on the island offers a spectacular view from a high vantage point and a shell museum with over 10,000 shells. Heart Rock in the northern part of the island is another popular spot.

"Basic Information "
Residence: Gu Uli, present-day Hui Ren Village
Access: 80 minutes by car from Naha Airport
Fee: Free of charge
Phone number: 0980-56-1616 (Kouri Ocean Tower)

Present day retreat to Inseong site

Nakijin Castle Ruins is a representative castle in the northern part of Okinawa Island and is registered as a World Heritage Site. The castle was built as a strategic point to protect Yanbaru, and after it was destroyed by Nakayama's army, a castle guard was placed there, but after 1665, the guard withdrew and the castle was left as a place to hold rituals. The castle walls, gates, and ritual site are beautifully preserved and tell the story of a castle in Okinawa. Since the castle was built at an elevation of about 100 meters, you can see as far as the sea from the high point and enjoy the scenery itself.

"Basic Information "
Residence: 5101, Imaipo, the word of the village of Ren
Access: 2 hours and 45 minutes by car from Naha Airport
Fee: 600 yen
Phone number: 0980-56-4400

A row of fukugi trees in Bise

The Fukugi (Japanese snowbell) avenue in the Bise district of Motobu-cho is a 1-kilometer-long avenue of Fukugi trees planted to surround houses as a forest protection measure. The beautiful sight of the sunlight shining in and the leaves of the Fukugi trees, combined with the tranquility of the area, will soothe the hearts of visitors. Visitors can rent bicycles or buffalo carts for a leisurely tour of the area. The line of Fukugi trees continues to Bisezaki, where snorkeling can also be enjoyed.

"Basic Information "
Residence:Headquarter town Buse
Access: 50 minutes by car from the Hsuuda IC
Fee: Free of charge
Phone number: 0980-47-3641 (Motobu-cho Tourist Association)

Churaumi Aquarium

Churaumi Aquarium is an aquarium built in Ocean Expo Park, and is particularly famous for one of the world's largest aquariums "the Kuroshio Sea ". Visitors can experience the entire ocean of Okinawa through a large-scale coral exhibit in the Coral Sea, exhibits of large fish such as whale sharks and southern blue rays, which are the largest fish in the Kuroshio Sea, and the deep sea of Okinawa in the Deep Sea. There is a feeding program, which is held in the Kuroshio Sea at 9:30 (Nanyou manta rays) and 15:00 and 17:00 (creatures in the Kuroshio Tank), so it is recommended to visit at these times.

"Basic Information "
Address: 424 Ishikawa, Motobu-cho
Access: 50 minutes by car from the Hsuuda IC
Fee: 2180 yen
Phone number: 0980-48-3748

Ocean Park

Ocean Expo Park, where Churaumi Aquarium is located, has various facilities other than Churaumi Aquarium, including the Tropical and Subtropical Urban Greening Botanical Garden, Tropical Dream Center, Okinawa Local Village Omoro Botanical Garden, Oceanic Culture Museum Planetarium, and Oki-chan Theater. Various events are held at each of these facilities, and there is so much to enjoy that no matter how much time you have, it will never be enough. It is also nice that admission is free except for Churaumi Aquarium, Tropical Dream Center, and Oceanic Culture Museum. The dolphin shows at the Oki-chan Theater, for example, are so good that it is almost a shame to see them for free.

"Basic Information "
Address: 424 Ishikawa, Motobu-cho
Access: 50 minutes by car from the Hsuuda IC
Fee: Free of charge
Phone number: 0980-48-2741

Roadside Station Kusuda

Roadside Station Kusuda, located just off the Kusuda Interchange on the Okinawa Expressway, is a popular roadside station that was once voted No. 1 in a popularity poll. In addition to a wide selection of local specialties, it also offers a wide variety of dining options such as Okinawa soba noodles and Awamori raisin ice cream. It is a good place to gather information on sightseeing in northern Okinawa before heading to your destination. Discount tickets to Churaumi Aquarium and Nakijin Castle Ruins are also available. Another advantage of this location is that it is just off the Xuda Interchange, the last stop on the Okinawa Expressway.

"Basic Information "
Address: 17-1 Koda, Nago City
Access: Exit from the Hsuuda IC.
Fee: Free of charge
Phone number: 0980-54-0880

Nago Pineapple Park

Nago Pineapple Park is a pineapple garden located in Nago City, the center of northern Okinawa tourism. Visitors can appreciate pineapple fields, flowers, and jungle, and learn about the history of pineapples in Okinawa. There are walking trails running throughout the jungle in the park, and pineapple trains and carts are also available. The only pineapple winery in Japan is also located here, selling pineapple wine and juice.

"Basic Information "
Address: 1195 Iwanami, Nago City
Access: 20 minutes by car from the Hsuuda IC
Fee: 1,200 yen
Phone number: 0980-53-3659

Busena Marine Park

Busena Underwater Park is part of the Okinawa Underwater Park area. The Underwater Telescope Tower, which stands in the sea inhabited by tropical fish, allows visitors to see the bottom of the sea at a depth of 5 meters. The sight of tropical fishes passing in front of you is impressive, as if you are experiencing diving. Glass-bottomed boats are also available, and when you look into the bottom of the glass boat, you can see schools of fish swimming within arm's reach. The glass-bottomed boat is weather-dependent, but the underwater telescope allows you to enjoy the underwater world regardless of the weather, so you can enjoy the underwater world regardless of the weather.

"Basic Information "
Address: 1744-1 Kiyose, Nago City
Access: 1 hr. 30 min. by car from Naha Airport
Fee: 2100 yen(Set fee for underwater telescope tower + glass boat)
Phone number: 0980-52-3379

Wanza Mao

Manzakage is a cliff made of Ryukyu limestone, located almost in the center of the main island of Okinawa. The name Manzakage comes from the plain enough for many people to sit on, and the collaboration of the beautiful Okinawan sea and the cliffs is truly a spectacular view, making it a popular photo spot. The entrance to the building houses several restaurants and souvenir shops, and it serves as the central facility for sightseeing in Onna Village.

"Basic Information "
Residence: 2767 Enner, Enner Village
Access: 1 hour and 15 minutes by car from Naha Airport
Fee: 100 yen
Phone number: 098-996-8080

Terme VILLA Churayu

In Japan, a hot spring country, Okinawa does not have much of an image of hot springs, but Terme VILLA Churayu is a rare hot spring facility in Okinawa. The facility is located on the grounds of The Beach Tower Okinawa, but it is open to everyone. The facility is equipped with an open-air bath provided with free-flowing hot spring water from a source 1,400 meters underground, an indoor bath, a natural hot spring healing pool, a low-temperature sauna, a multipurpose pool, and a shallow-water pool. Both the pool and hot springs can be used with a single admission, so you can play throughout the day.

"Basic Information "
Residence: 2 Mihama, Kitatani-cho
Access: Approximately 40 minutes by car from Naha Airport
Fee: 1,300 yen (weekdays)
Phone number: 098-926-2611

Cape Maeda

Cape Maeda is a well-known diving and snorkeling spot. There is an observatory on top of a cliff made of raised Ryukyu limestone, and you can enjoy the crystal clear waters so clear that you can see tropical fish and coral reefs without having to dive into the sea. For diving and snorkeling, the Blue Cave at Cape Maeda is the most mysterious cave in the world. The blue glow of the sea caused by the reflection of the sun's rays is truly a spectacular view of the blue sea, and is a must-see experience.

"Basic Information "
Address: 469-1 Ena-mura-aza Maneda
Access: 1 hour drive from Naha Airport
Fee: Free of charge
Phone number: 098-982-5339

Enner Village Museum

Onna Village Museum is located in front of the beautiful ocean, and visitors can also view the beautiful ocean from inside the museum. The permanent exhibits include the Onna Village Folklore Zone and the History and Archaeology Zone, where visitors can learn about the lives and history of the people of Onna Village, who have lived together with nature. In the special exhibition rooms, various special exhibitions are held according to themes and periods, allowing visitors to discover new attractions of Onna Village.

"Basic Information "
Place of residence: 1656-8, Chungpo, Ena Village
Access: 1 hour drive from Naha Airport
Fee: Free of charge
Phone number: 098-982-5112

Ryukyu Village

At Ryukyumura, visitors can experience old Okinawan houses, traditional crafts, and traditional dances. The old traditional houses of Okinawa have been recreated, making visitors feel as if they have stepped back in time. There are many activities and experience courses available, and eisa shows (traditional dances) are held regularly. If you are a first time visitor to Okinawa, this is the place where you can learn a lot about Okinawa.

"Basic Information "
Residence: 1130 Yamada, Ena Village
Access: 1 hour drive from Naha Airport
Fee: 1,500 yen
Phone number: 098-965-1234

Heiji City site

Zakimi Castle was built by Gosamaru, a master castle builder of the Sanzan period, and the ruins of Zakimi Castle are registered as a World Heritage site. Although the castle is smaller in size than Nakijin Castle and other castles, it is said to be the most beautiful castle gate and castle wall masonry in Okinawa, and is an important heritage site that provides visitors with an insight into the castle construction techniques of the time. At the Yuntanza Museum, located at the entrance to the castle ruins, the first floor displays Yomitan's natural and cultural heritage, while the second floor has exhibits on archaeology, ethnology, nature, and the Battle of Okinawa. There is also a promenade around the castle ruins where visitors can take a stroll.

"Basic Information "
Address: 708-6, Aza-Zakimi, Yomitan Village
Access: 1 hour drive from Naha Airport
Fee: 500 yen (Yuntanza Museum)
Phone number: 098-958-3141

Village of Yachimun

Yomitan Village in the central part of Okinawa's main island is a sacred place for Yachimun (Okinawan dialect for pottery) with more than 70 pottery studios. Yachimun-no-sato is located in the mountains of Yomitan Village, a craft village with as many as 19 workshops and galleries. Visitors can leisurely walk around and look for pottery at the workshops. It is a spot where you can relax and enjoy the natural beauty of the Yomitan area as you leisurely walk around the pottery shops.

"Basic Information "
Residence: 2653-1 Yomitan Village Zhahiyi
Access: 1 hour drive from Naha Airport
Fee: Free of charge
Phone number: 098-958-6488

Okinawa West Coast Resort Area

The West Coast area in the central part of the main island of Okinawa is one of the best resort areas in Japan, with its superb beaches and large hotels. If your budget and time allow, you should definitely stay in this area to fully enjoy the resort atmosphere, as it is full of an extraordinary feeling as if you were visiting an overseas resort. When visiting the northern part of the main island of Okinawa from Naha, it is often possible to take the Okinawa Expressway, but if you have enough time, it is also recommended to take Route 58, which runs along the sea in this area and has a wonderful view, and go north to see this area on the lower road. Bus No. 120 bound for Nago also passes this way, so a bus trip is also recommended, although it will take some time.

"Basic Information "
Address: West Coast area from Yomitan Village to Onna Village and Nago City
Access: Approximately 1 hour by car from Naha Airport

Roads in the Sea

A bridge less than 5 km long spans from the Katsure Peninsula in the central part of Okinawa's main island to the neighboring outlying islands. Surrounded on all sides by the sea, this underwater road is popular as Okinawa's number one driving course. In the middle of the underwater road is the Road Park "Umi-no-Eki Ayahashi-kan ", which houses a specialty store and a restaurant. Crossing the underwater road, visitors can go to Heianza Island, Miyagi Island, Ike Island, and Hamahika Island. All of these islands are scenic, so take a drive around them.

"Basic Information "
Address: Yonagusuku Yahira, Uruma City
Access: 25 minutes by car from Okinawa North IC
Fee: Free of charge
Phone number: 098-923-7612 (Uruma City Tourism Promotion Division)

Victory in the City

Katsuren Castle is a World Heritage Site, and was the residence of the Amawari, who brought prosperity to Katsuren through overseas trade in the 15th century. The castle is an impregnable castle built on natural cliffs, with beautiful curves of the castle walls. From the top of the castle, a scenic spot from which you can see the remote islands of Uruma City, the ruins of Nakagusuku Castle, and as far south as Kutaka Island. At the foot of the Katsuren Castle Ruins is the newly established Amari Park, a historical and cultural facility with exhibits of artifacts excavated from the Katsuren Castle Ruins and a live theater.

"Basic Information "
Address: 3807-2, Katsuren Nanpuhara, Uruma City
Access: 20 minutes by car from Okinawa North IC
Fee: 600 yen
Phone number: 098-978-2033

Mihama American Village

Mihama American Village is an amusement town that stretches along the coast of Chatan Town. It is a complex of various facilities such as cafes, restaurants, fashion, and sundries, and is crowded not only with tourists but also with local customers. The Depot Island area is recommended for sightseeing, and the American car monument and wall art are popular photo spots. The boardwalk on the ocean side, marked by the crescent moon sculpture, is a great place for a stroll.

"Basic Information "
Residence: Mihama, Kitani-cho
Access: 45 minutes by car from Naha Airport
Fee: Depends on the facility
Phone number: 098-926-5678


The tomb of King Sho Shin was built in 1501 by King Sho Shin to bury the remains of his father, King Sho Yen, and since then it has served as the mausoleum of the second Sho dynasty. Although it was severely damaged during the Battle of Okinawa, restoration work began in 1974 to restore it to its original appearance, and it is now registered as a World Heritage site and the first building in Okinawa to be designated a National Treasure. The first basement floor of the Bongenkan is an exhibition room with displays on the interior of the mausoleum and an overview of the mausoleum. The East guardhouse is a guardhouse where the tomb guard took care of the tombs before the war and was the building where the king rested during the dynastic period.

"Basic Information "
Address: 1-3 Kaneshiro-cho, Shuri, Naha City
Access: 15-minute walk from Yui Rail Shuri Station, 5-minute walk from Shurijo Park Entrance bus stop, 1-minute walk from Shurijo-mae bus stop
Fee: 300 yen
Phone number: 098-885-2861

Shurijo City

Shuri Castle was the center of the Ryukyu Kingdom, which existed for 450 years from 1429 to 1879. Unfortunately, the main, north, and south halls were destroyed by fire in 2019, but reconstruction work is currently underway with completion scheduled for 2026. The park is divided into a free area and a fee-charging area, and even in the free area, there are some highlights such as the Sonohiyamu Ontake Stone Gate, which is registered as a World Heritage Site. In the fee-charging area, pieces of the Shoden (main hall) that was destroyed by fire are on display.

"Basic Information "
Address: 1-2 Kaneshiro-cho, Shuri, Naha City
Access: 15 min. walk from Yui Rail Shuri Station. 1 min. walk from Shurijo-mae bus stop.
Fee: 400 yen (paid area)
Phone number: 098-886-2020

Knowledge Garden

Shikinaen was the largest villa of the Ryukyu Kingdom and was used as a recreation place for the king's family and as a reception place for foreign envoys. Shikinaen is a kaiyushiki garden, a style of garden created by many feudal lords in Honshu in the early modern period, but it is a garden unique to Ryukyu, with a Chinese-style Azumaya hexagonal hall on an island floating in a pond, and Ryukyu limestone surrounding the pond. It is now registered as a World Heritage site as a gusuku and related heritage site of the Kingdom of Ryukyu, and is a representative sightseeing spot in Okinawa.

"Basic Information "
Address: 421-7 Aza-Minji, Naha City
Access: Short walk from Shikinaen bus stop
Fee: 400 yen
Phone number: 098-855-5936

Shuri Kaneshiro-cho Stone Tatami

The Ishidatami Path in Kanagusuku-cho, Naha City is a 300-meter long stone-paved path paved with Ryukyu limestone that leads from Shurijo Castle. The road was built around 1500 as a road from Shurijo Castle to the southern part of Okinawa, and was partially destroyed in the war. 300m of the road is all that remains today. The houses along the cobblestone path are where the residents are living, so please be respectful and enjoy the quiet atmosphere.

"Basic Information "
Address: 2 Kaneshiro-cho, Shuri, Naha City
Access: 20 minutes by car from Naha Airport
Fee: Free of charge

Okinawa Prefectural Museum

The Okinawa Prefectural Museum is a complex facility consisting of a museum that exhibits the nature, history, culture, and arts and crafts of Okinawa, and an art museum that displays works by artists associated with Okinawa. It is a facility that can be enjoyed throughout the year with many special exhibitions and events. The museum also has a café and a store selling traditional crafts and original goods. The building is spectacular with a distinctive exterior reminiscent of a gusuku.

"Basic Information "
Address: 3-1-1 Omoromachi, Naha City
Access: 10 min. walk from Yui Rail Omoromachi Stn.
Fee: 530 yen (museum)
Phone number: 098-941-8200

International Street

Kokusai Street, the main street of Naha City, stretches 1.6 km from the Okinawa Prefectural Government Office to Asato. It is the busiest street in Okinawa, lined with stores selling souvenirs, general merchandise, taverns, restaurants, and cafes, and is always crowded with many tourists. It has a history of being called "a miracle mile "because it was one of the first streets in Naha City to be reconstructed after being severely damaged in the Battle of Okinawa. Every Sunday from 12:00 to 18:00, a 1.3 km section of Kokusai Street is open to pedestrians (cancelled in case of rain), and open cafes, street performances, and various events are held along the street.

"Basic Information "
Address: From Kencho-mae to Asato, Naha City
Access: Yui Rail Kencho-mae Station to Makishi Station
Fee: Free of charge
Phone number: 098-863-2755

Daiichi Makishi Public Market

The Daiichi Makishi Public Market began as a spontaneous black market in the immediate postwar period, and was opened in 1950 as the Naha Municipal Public Market by uniting these markets. Due to the aging of the facilities, rebuilding work was underway, and the new market opened in March 2023. Lifting service has been incorporated, allowing customers to purchase foodstuffs at the stores on the first floor and have them cooked and served in the dining room on the second floor. By purchasing ingredients you see in the stores and having them cooked for you, you can feel more familiar with Okinawan cuisine.

"Basic Information "
Address: 2-10-1 Matsuo, Naha City
Access: 9 min. walk from Yui Rail Makishi Station
Fee: Free of charge
Phone number: 098-867-6560

Setagashima Island

Senaga Island is a small island located about 10 minutes by car from Naha Airport, connected to the main island of Okinawa by a bridge. The island is connected to the main island of Okinawa by a bridge, and is home to the Umikazi Terrace, which houses a variety of facilities, including souvenir shops, general merchandise stores, and restaurants. You cannot swim at Secho Beach, but the crystal clear waters are beautiful and make you feel like you are in "the ocean of Okinawa ". There is also a free footbath where you can refresh yourself while watching the airplanes arriving and departing from Naha Airport.

"Basic Information "
Address: 174-6 Senaga, Tomigushuku City
Access: 20 min. by bus from Naha Airport
Fee: Free of charge
Phone number: 098-851-7446

Himeyuri Tower

Himeyuri Tower is a cenotaph built at the site of the Okinawa Army Hospital No. 3 surgical bunker at the end of the Battle of Okinawa. The name comes from the postwar name of a group of students mobilized from the Women's Division of Okinawa Normal School and Okinawa Prefectural First High School for Girls "who became known as the Himeyuri Students ". The adjacent Himeyuri Peace Museum has exhibits that tell the history of Okinawa, where fierce ground battles were fought, and reminds us of the tragedy of war and the preciousness of peace.

"Basic Information "
Address: 671-1 Aza-Ihara, Itoman City
Access: 30 minutes by car from Naha Airport
Fee: 450 yen (Peace Memorial Museum)
Phone number: 098-997-2100

Okinawa World

Okinawa World is a facility that brings together all the attractions of Okinawa, including one of the largest limestone caves in Japan, Gyokusendo Cave, a tropical fruit garden, Ryukyu Glass Studio, Habu Natural History Park, and old Okinawan houses. There are also many events such as eisa shows and traditional craft experiences, and visitors can spend from 2 to 5 hours here. With restaurants and souvenir shops, this is a spot where you will want to spend at least half a day to fully enjoy yourself.

"Basic Information "
Residence: 1336 Qianchuan, Yucheng, Nancheng City
Access: 30 minutes by car from Naha Airport
Phone number: 098-949-7421

Ganghala Valley

The Gangara Valley is an ancient valley formed by collapsed limestone caves hundreds of thousands of years ago. Fishing hooks dating back 23,000 years have been found here, suggesting that human activity has existed here since prehistoric times. Only guided tours are allowed to enter this valley, which is rich in nature. Visitors can sign up for a guided tour and take a walk through the forest. The "Cave Cafe ", which is a cave turned into a cafe as it is, is now open only to tour participants and is used as a space to prepare your mind before the departure of the tour.

"Basic Information "
Residence: Nancheng City Yucheng word Qianchuan 202 land
Access: 30 minutes by car from Naha Airport
Fee: 2,500 yen
Phone number: 098-948-4192

Saiba Utaki (sacred site on Mt. Saiba)

Saiba Utaki is the highest sacred site of the Ryukyu Kingdom, where the King of Ryukyu and the Great Prince Mukonori are said to have made pilgrimages. There are six ibis (sacred areas) within the Utaki, which is registered as a World Heritage site, and the King of Ryukyu prayed to the gods for national peace, prosperity, a good harvest, and safe voyages while visiting these six places. The most famous place is Sangori, where the triangle formed by the rocks is filled with mystical power. Unfortunately, the triangle is currently inaccessible, but you can feel the mystical power just by looking at it from the outside.

"Basic Information "
Residence: Chinenjutsu, Nanjo City
Access: 50 minutes by car from Naha Airport
Fee: 500 yen
Phone number: 098-949-1899

Nilai Bridge Kanai Bridge

Niraihashi Kanai Bridge is known as one of the most scenic spots in southern Okinawa. Nirai Kanai is a legend of an ideal world in Okinawa, which is believed to be the source of fertility, life, and the divine world. There is an observation deck at the top of the bridge from which the view is truly spectacular. Parking is prohibited on the bridge and there is no parking at the observatory itself, so please be sure to park in a manner that will not cause any inconvenience. This is a recommended stopover spot when visiting the southern part of the main island of Okinawa.

"Basic Information "
Residence: Nancheng City Zhi Nian Zi Zhi Nian
Access: 30 minutes by car from Naha Airport
Fee: Free of charge

Remote islands around Okinawa main island

Zamami Island

Zamami Island belongs to the Kerama Islands in the western part of Okinawa's main island and is known as one of the best diving spots in the world, and is the most popular mecca for marine sports in the Kerama Islands. The scenery is just as you imagine the blue ocean of Okinawa to be, and once you look into the sea, a world of beautiful coral reefs, schools of tropical fish, and sea turtles awaits marine sports enthusiasts. There are many diving, sea kayaking, and snorkeling stores in the village, and even beginners will be carefully supported, so even those with no experience in marine sports can fully enjoy themselves.

"Basic Information "
Residence: Zama-mi Village
Access: 50 min. by high-speed boat from Naha Tomari Port
Phone number: 098-987-2277 (Zamami Village Office)

Watakashiki Island

Tokashiki Island is the largest island in the Kerama Islands and, along with Zamami Island, is famous as a mecca for marine sports. Diving and swimming in the endless blue ocean are the best ways to enjoy the island, but even if you are not into marine sports, you can enjoy the beautiful scenery by visiting observatories here and there on Tokashiki Island. The island is mountainous, so renting a car is the best way to get around. The roads are narrow in many places, so drive carefully and enjoy the Kerama Islands to the fullest.

"Basic Information "
Residence: Watakashiki Village
Access: Approximately 40 minutes by high-speed boat from Naha Tomari Port
Phone number: 098-987-2321 (Tokashiki Village Office)

Aga Island

Aka Island is the third largest island in the Kerama Islands and a mecca for marine sports, surrounded by beautiful blue waters. Like Zamami Island and Tokashiki Island, even beginners can enjoy marine sports at marine sports stores. Aka Island, where there are no convenience stores or traffic lights, is a secluded place in the Kerama Islands where you can spend a relaxing time. The island is home to the Kerama deer, a national natural treasure, and if you are lucky, you may be able to see them.

"Basic Information "
Residence: Zama-mi Village
Access: 1 hour and 30 minutes by ferry from Naha Tomari Port, 50 minutes by high-speed boat
Phone number: 098-987-3535 (Sango Yuntaku Kan)


Mizuna Island is a remote island that can be reached by a 15-minute boat ride from Watakuchi Port in the northern part of Okinawa's main island. The island is popular for its beautiful emerald green sea and sandy beaches, and many marine stores offer one-day tours because of its easy accessibility from the main island of Okinawa. Although the island is small, with a population of only 50, there is an elementary and junior high school, which shows the island's enthusiasm for education. The beauty of Mizuna Beach in the western part of the island is outstanding, and is a must-see spot for marine sports enthusiasts and non-marine sports enthusiasts alike.

"Basic Information "
Residence:Headquarter Town Settsuina Island
Access: 15 minutes by boat from Watakuchi Port
Fee: Free of charge
Phone number: 0980-47-3641 (Motobu-cho Tourist Association)


Iejima is an island located about 9 km off the coast of Motobu-cho in the northern part of Okinawa's main island. The symbol of the island is the Joyama (Iejima Touchue) located slightly east of the center of the island, which was formed by an off-scrape phenomenon (a phenomenon in which old bedrock is partially detached and replaced by new bedrock as it is submerged into new bedrock) that is rare in the world, and can actually be seen only on Iejima. Niebangazimar, a tree where two soldiers, unaware of the end of the Pacific War, lived for two years hidden from the eyes of the U.S. military, is located in the center of the island, slightly to the south.

"Basic Information "
Residence: Ijang Village
Access: 30 minutes by ferry from Motobu Port
Fee: Free of charge
Phone number: 0980-49-2001 (Ie Village Office)

I am a famous island

Izena Island is the birthplace of King Sho En, the founder of the second Sho clan of the Ryukyu Dynasty, and his mausoleum remains on the island. The Mihososho, the birthplace of King Sho En, is a sacred place on the island because the umbilical cord is buried under a large stone in the house. The Meikari Family Residence, which is an uncle of King Shoen, was rebuilt in 1906 and fortunately escaped damage from the Battle of Okinawa, and is designated as a National Important Cultural Property. The ruins of Izena Castle, which is now mostly receded into the mountains, was called an impregnable castle in the past.

"Basic Information "
Residence: Ishimae Village
Access: 55 minutes by boat from Untien Port
Fee: Free of charge

Kyuko-jima (island)

Kutaka Island is the island where Amamikyo, the founder of the Ryukyu Islands, is said to have alighted, and as the birthplace of Okinawa, it is a special island in terms of folklore where rituals are still performed. Although there are no major tourist facilities on the island, it is a special place for Okinawa, with sacred sites such as Hubo Utaki, which is off-limits to the general public year-round. Saiba Utaki on the other side of the island was designed with Kutaka Island in mind, and by visiting Saiba Utaki after visiting Kutaka Island, you can learn more about the meaning of Saiba Utaki.

"Basic Information "
Residence: Chinen Kugo, Nanjo City
Access: 15 minutes from Azama Port by high-speed boat, 25 minutes by ferry
Fee: Free of charge

Kume Island

Kume Island was named the most beautiful island in the Ryukyu Islands. Hate-no-hama, located about 20 minutes by shuttle boat from Kumejima, is an island with only a sandy beach made up of three sandbars, and is said to be the most beautiful beach in the East. Hate-no-hama can only be reached by boat, so be sure to make a reservation in advance. Uejo Castle Ruins, located in the northern part of the island, is the highest mountain castle ruins on Kume Island and offers an almost 360-degree view of the island. The Gojeda-no-matsu pine tree in the west-central part of the island is a pine tree designated as a national natural monument that is over 250 years old.

"Basic Information "
Residence: Kumejima-cho
Access: 30 minutes by plane from Naha Airport, 3 hours by boat from Naha (for direct flights)
Fee: Free of charge
Phone number: 098-985-7121

Miyako Island and surrounding islands

Maehama Beach

Maehama Beach is called the most beautiful white sand beach in the East, and is the most popular beach in Miyakojima. The clear Miyako blue ocean and pure white sands are simply beautiful, and even those who do not swim in the ocean can be satisfied just by looking at the beauty of the beach. The bridge across the ocean that can be seen from the beach is the Kurima Ohashi Bridge, and a drive across the blue ocean to Kurima Island is a pleasant experience.

"Basic Information "
Residence: 1199-1, Shimoji and Naha, Miyakojima City
Access: 20 minutes by car from Miyako Airport
Fee: Free of charge
Tel: 0980-73-2690 (Miyakojima Commerce, Industry, and Tourism Division)


The Irabu Bridge, opened in 2015 to connect Miyako and Irabu islands, is the longest bridge in Japan that can be crossed for free at 3540 m. The 3540 m is said to be hidden in the word "coral island. There are several spots with spectacular views. On the Miyakojima side, there is a parking space at the base of the bridge. At the end of the bridge, "Irabu Ohashi Umi-no-Eki (Irabu Bridge Sea Station) "can be used not only for viewing, but also as a resting and shopping spot. On the Irabu side of the island, the Makiyama Observatory offers a spectacular view of not only the bridge but also the surrounding islands.

"Basic Information "
Residence: Ikenami, Iryabu, Miyakojima City
Access: 15 minutes by car from Miyako Airport
Fee: Free of charge
Tel: 0980-73-2690 (Miyakojima Commerce, Industry, and Tourism Division)

Sunayama Beach

Sunayama Beach is also a popular spot for photographing the spectacular view. The walk from the parking lot over the sand hill is a bit long, but the spectacular view after passing through the sand hill is truly breathtaking. The arch-shaped rocks created by the erosion of the waves add a touch of beauty to the combination of the blue ocean and white sandy beach, making it stand out. Looking out to sea, one can also see Irabu Island and Ikema Island in the distance.

"Basic Information "
Address: Hiraga-aza-Hokkawatori, Miyakojima City
Access: 25 minutes by car from Miyako Airport
Fee: Free of charge
Tel: 0980-73-2690 (Miyakojima Commerce, Industry, and Tourism Division)

Imgya Marine Garden

Imgarmah Marine Garden is a seaside park that takes advantage of the shape of a natural cove. There are boardwalks and observation decks where visitors can stroll and enjoy the spectacular view of the ocean. The waves inside the bay are calm, making the sea just right for snorkeling beginners. The southern coast of Miyako Island is characterized by steep cliffs, and the contrast between the offshore coral reefs and the precipitous cliffs is worth a visit.

"Basic Information "
Address: 605-2 Tomori, Miyakojima City, Shirobe
Access: 20 minutes by car from Miyako Airport
Fee: Free of charge
Tel: 0980-73-2690 (Miyakojima Commerce, Industry, and Tourism Division)

New City Coast

Shinshiro Beach is a popular beach with shallow waters suitable for snorkeling. In the clear waters and coral reefs, you may be lucky enough to see sea turtles. The calm waters make this beach a good choice for tourists with children. There are also plenty of stores and kitchen cars so you can rent leisure equipment and have a meal.

"Basic Information "
Residence: Miyakojima City, Seonganaza New Town
Access: 25 minutes by car from Miyako Airport
Fee: Free of charge
Tel: 0980-73-2690 (Miyakojima Commerce, Industry, and Tourism Division)


Yabiji is the collective name for one of the largest coral reef groups in Japan, and the sea, with its colorful coral reefs and large schools of tropical fish, is an ideal spot for snorkeling and diving. This coral reef group, which stretches approximately 17 km from north to south and 6.5 km from east to west, is also known as the Great Barrier Reef of Japan. The Yaebise cannot be reached by regular boat, so you will have to go on a tour with a store. Diving, snorkeling, SUP, and other experiences let you encounter the spectacular view of coral reefs and tropical fish that you have only seen on TV.

"Basic Information "
Residence: Miyakojima City
Access: 40 minutes by boat from Hirara Port 20 minutes by boat from Ikema Island (both by tour boat)

Tarama Island

Tarama Island, located between Miyako and Ishigaki Islands, was an important island during the Ryukyu Dynasty period when relay trade was prosperous, serving as a strategic point for sea traffic between Ishigaki and Miyako Islands and onward to the main island of Okinawa. Tarama Island, which is not as touristy as the main islands of Okinawa, Miyako, and Ishigaki, is a secluded place in the Miyako Archipelago where visitors can spend a relaxing time. Marine sports are, of course, a must, but cycling around Tubuli (small paths leading to the sea) is also enjoyable. The August Dance, held every year for three days from the eighth day of the eighth month of the lunar calendar, is a nationally designated Important Intangible Cultural Property, and attracts many tourists and researchers to Tarama Island during this period.

"Basic Information "
Residence: Doryama Village
Access: 25 minutes by plane from Miyako Airport, 2 hours by ferry from Hirara Port
Fee: Free of charge
Phone number: 0980-79-2011 (Tarama Village Hall)

Ishigaki Island and surrounding islands

Kabira Bay

Kabira Bay is one of the most famous tourist spots in Ishigaki Island and is said to be the only place to visit if you only visit one place in Ishigaki Island. Famous as a black pearl farm, Kabira Bay is a scenic spot that should be called the Matsushima of Okinawa, and the scenery of the beautiful sea and floating islets is simply stunning. Although the waves in Kabira Bay are calm, the currents are swift, and swimming is prohibited in many areas, but you can observe beautiful coral and fish by glass boat. There are also restaurants and souvenir shops where you can relax and enjoy sightseeing.

"Basic Information "
Residence: Kawahira, Ishigaki City
Access: 25 minutes by car from downtown Ishigaki
Fee: Free of charge

Taolin Temple

Momorinji Temple is the oldest temple in Yaeyama, founded around 1614 by King Shonei, the seventh king of the second Sho dynasty, who was advised by the Satsuma clan to build a shrine and temple in the Yaeyama area. Originally a Shingon sect temple, it is now a temple of the Myoshinji school of the Rinzai sect of Buddhism. The Niou statue at the entrance is the oldest existing wooden statue in Okinawa. There is a legend that a large banyan tree in the temple grounds is said to be inhabited by a fairy called Kijimuna.

"Basic Information "
Residence: Ishigaki 285, Ishigaki City
Access: 10 min. walk from Ishigaki city center
Fee: Free of charge
Phone number: 0980-82-2142

Ishigakijima limestone cave

There are several limestone caves in the area a little north of Ishigaki city center. Ishigaki Island limestone cave is the largest limestone cave and is second only to Akiyoshido Cave in Japan. Inside the caves, there are many attractions such as illuminated spaces, suikinkutsu (water fountain) with the sound of dripping water, Totoro stalactite, a popular photo spot that looks like Totoro, and the Forest of Gods Sculpture, a forest of countless stalagmites and stone pillars in various sizes. Visitors can spend more than a few hours here, as there is a cafeteria, souvenir shop, and hands-on workshops.

"Basic Information "
Residence: 1666 Ishigaki, Ishigaki City
Access: 8 minutes by car from downtown Ishigaki
Fee: 1,200 yen
Phone number: 0980-83-1550

Japanese harbor porcelain (Phyllostachys nigra var. japonica)

Hirakubozaki is the northernmost point of Ishigaki Island with a spectacular view of the Pacific Ocean on the right and the East China Sea on the left. The lighthouse at the tip of Hirakubozaki is located low, so you can see a beautiful view of the lighthouse and the ocean when you look down from the high ground. Hirakubozaki Lighthouse is recognized as a sacred place for romance by the Japan Romantic Association as "a lighthouse to fall in love ". Surrounded by the sea on three sides, Hirakubozaki is also known as a place to watch the sunset. It is a bit difficult to reach because of its distance from the city center, but it is recommended to visit at sunset time.

"Basic Information "
Address: 234-50 Hirakubo, Ishigaki City
Access: 1 hour drive from Ishigaki city center
Fee: Free of charge

Yaeyama palm colony

Yaeyama palm is an endemic palm found only in Ishigaki and Iriomote Islands. The trunks of the trees are upright and reach more than 20 m in height, and they have a characteristic of growing in clusters. The trail is not long, but it is well-maintained, so you can soak up the negative ions and explore the jungle. At the entrance, there is a parlor that sells tropical juices and other drinks.

"Basic Information "
Residence: Ishigaki City, Konghakai 546
Access: 30 minutes by car from downtown Ishigaki
Fee: Free of charge

Yamama Village

Yaimamura is a theme park that recreates an old Yaeyama house. In the park, there are a buffalo pond, a crested serpent eagle protection gauge, and a squirrel monkey garden, and in the popular squirrel monkey garden, squirrel monkeys are free-range and can be seen close to visitors (in some cases, they may even ride on the monkeys). The hill where Yaima Village is located offers a panoramic view of Nagura Bay, a famous scenic spot in Ishigaki Island. There is also a tour course to the Ramsar Convention-listed Nagura Ampal where you can observe rare plants and animals.

"Basic Information "
Address: 967-1 Meikura, Ishigaki City
Access: 20 minutes by car from downtown Ishigaki
Fee: 1000 yen
Phone number: 0980-82-8798

islets of Ogasawara (islands)

Kohama Island is located in the center of the Yaeyama Islands and is a peaceful island with sugar cane fields. From the large mountain located in the center of the island, the eight islands of the Yaeyama Archipelago can be seen from the top of the island. The size of the island is just right for touring around on a rented bicycle, so let's visit the aforementioned Odake and the beach. The course is somewhat up and down, so bicycles with electric power assistance are recommended. You can take a tour with a marine store to "Phantom Island ", which is made up of only sandbars and changes its shape depending on the sea conditions.

"Basic Information "
Residence: Taketomi Town
Access: 30 minutes by ferry from Ishigaki Port Terminal
Fee: Free of charge
Tel: 0980-82-5445 (Taketomi Town Tourist Association)

Iriomote Island

Iriomote Island is the largest island in the Yaeyama Islands in terms of area, and most of the island is rich in nature with subtropical jungle. The island, registered as a World Natural Heritage site, is also called the Galapagos of the East for its rare flora and fauna. While summer is the main season for most of the islands in Okinawa, Iriomote Island is an island where you can play with nature throughout the season, with trekking tours available only in winter. Let's enjoy the island where you can fully savor the nature of the sea and mountains by canoeing, trekking, diving, etc.

"Basic Information "
Residence: Taketomi Town
Access: 40-60 minutes by ferry from Ishigaki Port Terminal
Tel: 0980-82-5445 (Taketomi Town Tourist Association)

By Bushima

Yubu Island is a small island located about 0.5 km east of Iriomote Island, and the whole island is a subtropical plant paradise. To access the island, you can take a buffalo cart across the shallows from Iriomote Island, or when the tide is low, you can go across on foot. In the park, there are bougainvillea garden, butterfly garden, manta beach, buffalo pond, etc., and restaurants and stores are equipped. Flowers in the park can be enjoyed throughout the year.

"Basic Information "
Residence: Taketomi Town
Access: Buffalo cart from Iriomote Island buffalo cart terminal or on foot during low tide
Material:2000yen (entrance material + return buffalo car)
Phone number: 0980-85-5470


Kuroshima is a small island in the Yaeyama Islands known as a cow island with 10 times as many cows as population. Surrounded by beautiful sea where sea turtles come ashore during the spawning season, Kuroshima is a laid-back island that is not touristy, which is rare in the Yaeyama Islands, and allows visitors to relax and enjoy the feeling of a remote Okinawan island. The island is almost flat, so it is just the right size to rent a bicycle and ride around. The Kuroshima Research Institute, located on the island, conducts research on sea turtles and has a permanent exhibit of various creatures, including sharks.

"Basic Information "
Residence: Taketomi Town
Access: 30 minutes by ferry from Ishigaki Port Terminal
Fee: Free of charge
Tel: 0980-82-5445 (Taketomi Town Tourist Association)

Hateruma Island

Hateruma Island is the southernmost inhabited island in Japan. The low latitude of Hateruma Island makes it an ideal spot for stargazing, as there are few lights. Many stars that are not normally seen in Japan, such as the Southern Cross, can be observed. Takana-zaki, where there is a monument marking the southernmost point of Japan, is a powerful point where rough waves break on the precipitous cliffs. The route to Hateruma Island is via the open sea, so be aware that the ship is often cancelled due to weather conditions, and you may be stranded on the island for several days if you do not pay attention to whether the return flight is operated or not.

"Basic Information "
Residence: Taketomi Town
Access: 60-80 minutes by ferry from Ishigaki Port Terminal, 2 hours by car ferry
Fee: Free of charge
Tel: 0980-82-5445 (Taketomi Town Tourist Association)

Yonaguni Island

Yonaguni Island is about 500 km away from the main island of Okinawa, and Taiwan is about 111 km away, making it the westernmost island in Japan that is truly a border island. Yonaguni horses, native to Japan, are grazed on the island, and horses are often seen on the roadways in grazing areas. The undersea scenic point is a mysterious topographic spot that is not yet known whether it is man-made or natural, and can be seen by diving.

"Basic Information "
Residence: Yonaguni Town
Access: 30 minutes by plane from Ishigaki Airport
Fee: Free of charge
Phone number: 0980-87-2402 (Yonaguni Town Tourist Association)

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