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[Kumamoto Prefecture ]I want to go for a drive! 10 recommended power spots

[Kumamoto Prefecture ]I want to go for a drive! 10 recommended power spots


In Kumamoto Prefecture, where you can enjoy the great nature of both the mountains and the sea, such as Aso and Amakusa, there are many power spots where you can feel the power of nature. Not only that, there are also shrines where you can feel the history. Let's enjoy visiting power spots in Kumamoto Prefecture, a treasure trove of nature and history, while enjoying a scenic drive.

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Aso Taikanbou

One of the peaks of the Aso Outer Rim, "Daikanbo "is a spectacular power spot where you can feel the power of Mount Aso. "From the observatory of Daikanbong ", you can enjoy a 360° panoramic view. The city of Aso spreads out below you, and beyond that you can see the five Aso peaks and the Kujyu mountain range "in Oita Prefecture ".
"The Aso Five Mountains seen from Daikanbong "are called "Nirvana Statue "because they look like a sleeping Buddha. Feel the power of the earth from the view of the five Aso peaks. In the early morning of autumn and winter, a sea of clouds can be seen. The sun rising over the five Aso peaks and the sea of clouds in the clear air is a beautiful sight that will recharge your power.

Location: Yamada, Aso City, Kumamoto Prefecture

Nabekitaki Waterfall

"Nabeketaki Waterfall "is a waterfall with a drop of about 10 meters and a width of about 20 meters. When viewed from the front, it looks like a curtain of water, a delicate and beautiful waterfall that will soothe you. "Nabeketaki Waterfall "has a hollow behind the waterfall, so you can go around it. The view from behind the waterfall is absolutely fantastic. Beyond the curtain of water are moss-covered rocks and lush green trees.
Created by the eruption of Mt. Aso in prehistoric times, "Nabeketaki Waterfall "has eroded over a long period of time to its current shape. It is a power spot where you can feel the history of the earth and be healed by the beauty of nature.

Location: Kurobuchi, Oguni-cho, Aso-gun, Kumamoto Prefecture
Admission: Adults (high school students) 300 yen / Children (elementary and junior high school students) 150 yen

Kunizukuri Shrine

With a history of 2,000 years since its founding, "Kunizukuri Shrine "enshrines as its main deity "Hayamikatama no Mikoto ", the son of "Takeiwatatsunomikoto ", the founder of the Aso pioneer. He was instrumental in the development of Aso, and has been carefully protected by the local people as the god of agriculture. Surrounded by a grove of cedar trees, the temple grounds are quiet and solemn.
There is a large cedar tree on the temple grounds called "Teno no Sugi ". The cedar tree, said to be 2,000 years old, is now only a trunk due to a typhoon. Even so, the trunk of the large cedar tree gives one a sense of the life force of nature. Let's visit the god who created the land of Aso and feel the rich nature of Aso.

Location: 2110 Teno, Ichinomiya-cho, Aso City, Kumamoto Prefecture

Shirakawa water source

Feel the power of water at "Shirakawa Suigen ", which has been selected as one of the country's 100 best waters. With 60 tons of water gushing out every minute, you can observe the birth of water up close. Looking into the beautiful water source, you can see water bubbling up from under the ground where pebbles are rolling around. Surrounded by moss-covered rocks, the water source is cool and refreshing in the fresh green season.
Water can be drawn directly and taken home. "Please try drinking the water you fetch at Shirakawa Suigen ( ") on the spot. The beautiful water nurtured by the rich nature of Aso will give you power from inside your body. Let's go home with delicious natural water of Aso and the power of water at "Shirakawa Suigen "where water is born.

Location: 2040 Shirakawa, Minamiaso-mura, Aso-gun, Kumamoto Prefecture

Ukishima Shrine

"Ukishima Shrine "enshrines the husband and wife deities "Izanagi-no-mikoto "and "Izanami-no-mikoto ". As the god of married couples, the shrine is blessed for marriage and safe delivery. "Ukishima Shrine "has a vast sacred pond of about 7,000 tsubo on its grounds. It has been selected as one of the 100 best waters in Japan, and visitors can feel the richness of Kumamoto's water. "Ukishima Shrine "is familiarly called "Ukishima-san "because the main shrine seems to float in this vast sacred pond.
A variety of creatures live in the divine pond, which gushes out about 250,000 tons of water per day. After receiving the power of the gods at "Ukishima Shrine ", which has become a place of rest and relaxation for life, it is recommended to spend some time relaxing by the Kami-ike.

Location: 2828 Idera, Kashima-cho, Kamimashiki-gun, Kumamoto Prefecture

Aoi Aso Shrine

"Aoi Aso Shrine "was founded about 1200 years ago and is one of the oldest shrines in Kumamoto Prefecture. The shrine is dedicated to the god who pioneered the development of Aso. "Three deities are dedicated to the Aso Shrine ". The three gods are "Takeiwatatsunomikoto ", "Asotsuhime no Mikoto ", and "Hayamikatama no Mikoto ". They must have worshipped the god of the Aso pioneers and pioneered the development of Hitoyoshi Kuma into a prosperous land.
"The structure of Aoi Aso Shrine "was built in the Edo period (1603-1868) and is designated as a national treasure. The massive, thatched-roofed tower gate is still protected by the local people. This is a power spot where visitors can visit the god who has protected the fertile land of Hitoyoshi Kuma and feel the craftsmanship of the Kuma region.

Location: 118 Kami-Aoi-cho, Hitoyoshi City, Kumamoto Prefecture

Oshido-ishi Hill

"Oshido-ishi Hill "is a hill with huge stones lying around. From the top of the hill, visitors can enjoy a panoramic view of Aso. "Oshido-ishi Hill "has been found to contain stones inscribed with Sumerian script that were used about 4,000 years ago. Other megalithic stones are also found here, which seem to have been placed there intentionally by human beings. They suggest that the hill has been used as a prayer hill since prehistoric times.
"In the group of megaliths on Oshido-ishi Hill ", there is a mysterious stone called "Oshido-ishi ". The North Star is directly north of the apex of the stone, and when a directional magnet is used around this stone, it rotates in a circle. Because of its mysterious power, ancient people also worshipped it as a sacred stone. "Experience the power of the mysterious stone at Oshido-ishi no Oka ".

Location: 511 Nakahara, Minami-Oguni Town, Agaso-gun, Kumamoto Prefecture
Material: 200yen for junior high school students and above / no material for elementary school students and below

Kaminosekimi Kumanoza Shrine

"Kamishiki Kumanoza Shrine "enshrines the husband and wife deities "Izanagi-no-mikoto "and "Izanami-no-mikoto ". The approach to the shrine is surrounded by a grove of cedar trees, creating a quiet and solemn atmosphere. The stairs to the shrine are moss-covered, even the stone lanterns on either side of the stairs are covered with moss. As you walk up the approach overflowing with greenery, you will feel peaceful by the time you reach the shrine.
"A nagi tree is enshrined as a sacred tree in the precincts of the Kamishiki Kumanoza Shrine ". The leaves of this nagi tree require a lot of strength to tear them sideways. Since they cannot be torn off easily, they are said to bind men and women together firmly. Let us pray for a good marriage in honor of the nagi leaves and the couple deities Izanagi and Izanami.

Location: 2619 Kamishikimi, Takamori-cho, Aso-gun, Kumamoto Prefecture

Nagao Tsurugisha

Floating on the Shiranui Sea, "Nagao Tsurugi-jinja Shrine "is a historic shrine founded in 713. "It enshrines the sea god Wadatsumi-no-kami (god of the sea) ". The torii gate and stone lantern stand on the Shiranui Sea, and you can reach the torii gate at low tide.
Of course it is beautiful at low tide, but at dusk, when the tide begins to rise, the scenery becomes indescribably fantastic. The sky and sea are tinted purple by the setting sun, and the torii gate and stone lanterns float in the space that has begun to darken. The breathtakingly beautiful scenery created by nature is sure to move you. This is a power spot where you can receive the power of the sea.

Location: 615 Nagao, Shiranui Town, Ugi City, Kumamoto Prefecture

Kurayake Shrine

Kuratake is the highest mountain in the Amakusa Islands, located on the western edge of Kumamoto Prefecture. At the top of this Mt. Kuratake is "Kuratake Shrine ". The shrine, built overlooking the Shiranui Sea, has watched over the lives of the local people who make their living by fishing.
"When you look at the Shiranui Sea from between the torii gates of "Kuradake Shrine ", called the torii in the sky ", you feel as if the torii is floating in the air. The beautiful blue sea and the beauty of the many islands of Amakusa create an Aegean Sea-like atmosphere. It is a power spot where you can feel both the power of the beautiful sea of Amakusa and the power of God.

Location: Tanasoko, Kuratake-cho, Amakusa City, Kumamoto Prefecture


We have introduced 10 power spots in Kumamoto Prefecture, which is blessed with abundant nature, both mountains and ocean. All of the power spots are accessible only by car, but you will be treated to spectacular views on your drive along the way. Why not take a trip to Kumamoto's power spots and be healed by Kumamoto's great nature?

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