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Five attractive installation spots in the Akita Prefecture area

Five attractive installation spots in the Akita Prefecture area


Located on the Sea of Japan coast of the Tohoku region, Akita Prefecture may be a place associated with snowy kamakura and kiritanpo (dried dumplings) in the winter, when the area becomes a heavy snowfall zone. However, the prefecture is also home to festivals and other distinctive events, and its rich natural environment offers impressive views and bounty in every season. This article introduces five impressive installation spots in Akita Prefecture. We hope you enjoy it.

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Oosazawa Mine

The first spot introduced here is the Osarizawa Mine, a closed copper mine that is now open to the public and has a long history of 1,300 years. Let's step into this extraordinary space that is rarely seen or experienced.

The northeastern part of Akita Prefecture, known as the Hokuriku region, is known as the largest mining area in Japan. Dozens of famous mines are scattered throughout the area, one of which is the Ogasawa Mine. The history of the Ogasawa Mine is said to date back to the Nara period (710-794). According to one account, gold produced at the mine was used for the famous Daibutsu (Great Buddha) statue at Todaiji Temple in Nara. It must be somewhat romantic to imagine that gold was transported to such a faraway place in those days when transportation was limited.

In the sightseeing tunnels, which are open to the public, visitors can see the actual mining site that was used from the Edo period to the time when the mine was closed to the public. The total length of the tunnel is 1.7 km, and the tour takes about 45 minutes. Visitors can also choose to shorten the tour at a junction to the standard 1.1-kilometer tour, which takes about 30 minutes. The temperature in the tunnels is kept at about 13 degrees Celsius throughout the year, making it a good option as a cool tourist attraction in mid-summer. Visitors are advised to bring a light jacket or bath towel to avoid overheating.

A menu of hands-on activities is also available, so if you visit with your family, you are sure to create wonderful memories for everyone to enjoy. You can experience mine-like "pure gold sand mining ""natural stone digging ". Although it is no longer in operation, there used to be the option of "making kaleidoscopes ""making power stone accessories ""making gold leaf "and even a local Akita dish "making Kiritanpo (rice dumplings) ". We are waiting for them to come back soon.

Facility Name: Ogasawa Mine
Address: 13-5 Shishizawa, Oosazawa, Kazuno, Akita
Phone number: 0186-22-0123
Official website: http://www.osarizawa.jp/

Little Anxia, Taiwan

Oyasukyo is a popular tourist spot where visitors can directly feel the energy of the earth and the art that nature has created over a long period of time. Located in Yuzawa City, the valley was formed by the steep current of the Kaise River, which has deeply eroded both banks of the river, and it is a beautiful sight to behold any time of the year.

The biggest attraction of the Koan Gorge is the Dafundo, a 60-meter-high canyon with a staircase leading down to the bottom, where the "whoosh, whoosh "violent sound reaches your ears. This is a rare place in the world where cracks in geothermal reservoirs are exposed. Thanks to this, the hot water that has accumulated underground becomes steam as hot as 98 degrees Celsius and spurts out with great force. It is as if the earth is breathing out. The tour is estimated to take about 30 to 40 minutes.

The best time to visit is in the fall when the leaves turn red. The beautiful colored leaves of the trees that fill both banks of the valley soothe the hearts of Japanese people. Winter is also very attractive. The rocks on both banks, tightly covered with snow, create a silver world in combination with the white steam that erupts from the rocks. Spring is the season of fresh greenery. When the weather is fine, the vivid blue sky and the youthful greenery create a wonderful contrast.

It is a great sight far removed from everyday life, but the good news is that it is not inaccessible. It is located on National Route 398, and large parking lots are available at the Tourist Products Center and Aguri Kan. In addition, there are footbaths and the Koankyo Hot Springs nearby, so visitors can enjoy the benefits of the hot water.

Kakunodate Buke Yashiki Street

The streets that evoke a sense of Japanese history are popular tourist spots and Instagram-worthy spots that attract not only Japanese but also many foreign tourists. Kakunodate Buke Yashiki Street is one of the representative historical buildings in Akita Prefecture. The area is also designated as a national Important Preservation District for Groups of Traditional Buildings, so you will feel as if you have stepped back in time.

Kakunodate is a castle town with a history of about 400 years, and some of the plots created by Ashina Yoshikatsu have been preserved to this day. There are about 10 samurai residences remaining today. It is one of the leading "small Kyoto ", and the authentic Edo period streetscape recreates the lifestyle of the people of that time right before your eyes.

In each of the samurai residences, including the Aoyagi and Ishiguro families, various items are on display, including weapons, costumes, important documents, and daily necessities that have been handed down from generation to generation. Whether you are interested in history or not, this is a valuable place to experience the culture of the time. Of course, visitors can also just admire the exterior of the buildings and look around the interiors to see the cool architectural styles of the time.

Kakunodate Buke Yashiki Street, which is also famous for its cherry blossoms, changes its appearance throughout the four seasons. In spring, when the cherry blossoms are in full bloom, in early summer when the trees are freshly green, in autumn when the leaves turn red, and in winter when the trees are covered with snow, you can enjoy a different atmosphere any time you visit. At night, the area is illuminated with lights, making it an attractive place to enjoy the fantastic scenery projected in the darkness.

Hagaeri Valley

In Akita Prefecture, which is rich in nature, you should not miss the famous scenic spot in the Lake Tazawa area in the eastern part of the prefecture: "Dagagakureri Canyon ". The 1.5-kilometer trail, which takes about 30 minutes to walk one way, is a great way to enjoy the magnificent nature with few ups and downs.

"The canyon has the unusual name of Hagakure ". The name comes from the fact that the terrain was so steep that people had to hold each other up when passing each other. It is no wonder that the lush, untouched forests remain.

The rugged area, as the name suggests, is now a safe place to stroll thanks to a well-maintained boardwalk. It is truly a perfect place for a photo shoot that is sure to be Instagram-worthy. In particular, "God's Rock Bridge "is one of the most representative scenic spots in this valley. The 80-meter-long suspension bridge with its distinctive red color and the emerald green water flowing beneath it are impressive. In addition, there are many other attractions such as "Retrospective Falls "that make you want to look back again and again because of its beauty.

The best time to visit Hukagari Valley is in the fall when the leaves turn red. The beauty of the reddish leaves, which can be seen even in photographs, will be more vividly etched in your mind's eye when you visit the valley in person. Various events are held in accordance with the seasons, so why not check the calendar and plan your trip accordingly? Of course, the fresh green season is also spectacular.

Fetta fence

Among the many places where you can experience the history of Japan, the last spot that has remained from the Heian period (794-1192) and is still unique is ", which introduces the ruins of the Hotta no Saku-ato (fence) ". The ruins are as large as the Akita Castle ruins, and have a powerful and mysterious atmosphere.

The Haraida Fence Ruins is the first spot in Akita Prefecture to be designated as a national historic site. Despite this, it is known that there is no mention of it in history books or old documents. It is not even known by what name it was called in history, and many mysteries still remain. The fact that there are things that are not known even though many things have been investigated and analyzed in modern society is truly an interesting entity that stimulates people's curiosity.

Despite the enigmatic details, the scale of the ruins is very imposing and splendid. As the name suggests, the main structure is an outer fence made of square timbers, the total length of which is approximately 3.6 kilometers. The impressive south gate of the outer fence is 9.7 meters high, a very impressive size. Although it is a reconstruction, it offers a glimpse of some of the scenery of the Heian period.

The general information center will help you understand more about this site and will stimulate and satisfy your curiosity as a place of learning. The museum has a wide range of facilities that will make your family visit even more enjoyable, such as animated films and guided historical walks.

Facility Name:Harida Fence Ruins
Address: 95 Nakatani, Futa, Daisen, Akita, Japan
Closed: Monday
Phone number: 0187-69-2397


These are the five must-visit Instagram-worthy spots in Akita Prefecture. Because of its location in Akita, each of the spots featured in this article is particularly attractive in the fall when the leaves change color. The Tazawako area in particular is conveniently located and can be visited directly by the Akita Shinkansen. Why not consider one of Akita Prefecture's installation spots for your next excursion?

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