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[Chiba ]Rape Blossom Spectacular Spots with Seishun 18 Ticket - Kominato Railway

[Chiba ]Rape Blossom Spectacular Spots with Seishun 18 Ticket - Kominato Railway


A train with a cute color scheme runs over a field of rape blossoms.
Many of you may have seen them on social networking sites at one time or another.

This scene can be seen along the Kominato Railway in Chiba Prefecture.
Of course, the flowers are only available for a limited time, so the next time you can see them will be next year. However, this area along the Kominato and Isumi Railways is perfect for photographing the collaboration of nature and trains in each season, with cherry blossoms, fresh greenery, ginkgo trees, and snow.

Even if it is raining, the nostalgic atmosphere and truly spectacular views can be captured in photos no matter what season or weather you visit!

Chiba Prefecture's Kominato Railway and Isumi Railway are popular railroad lines that are located in the Tokyo metropolitan area, but still retain old-fashioned station buildings and rolling stock. While the railroads are crowded with riders and photographers, there are also many attractive sightseeing spots along the lines.

This article introduces some recommendations for sightseeing along such Kominato Railway and Isumi Railway lines! We hope you will find it useful when planning your weekend excursions.

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Kominato Railway

The Kominato Railway is a 39.1-kilometer line connecting Goi Station in Ichihara City, Chiba Prefecture, to Kamiso-Nakano Station in Otaki Town. Although a relatively large number of trains run from Goi to Kamiaso-Ushiku Station on the way to work and school in the suburbs of Ichihara City, the number of trains going onward from there is drastically reduced, with a maximum of 10 round trips per day on weekends and holidays.

Therefore, it is important to plan your sightseeing while making stopovers along the Kominato Railway by carefully checking the timetables.

A key point in such a trip on the Kominato Railway is the "Boso Satoyama Torokko-go ". This is a sightseeing trolley train pulled by a locomotive based on the SL that used to operate on the Kominato Railway. Especially on weekends and holidays, three of the (maximum) 10 round trips are on this Satoyama Trolley, so you cannot make a smooth sightseeing schedule without using this train somewhere.

The Satoyama Torokko-go is not only a means of transportation, but also a fun sightseeing train ride itself. There are two types of cars: observation cars and standard cars (windowed cars). The observation cars in particular are very open, with no window glass and see-through ceilings. You can enjoy the train ride while feeling the beautiful satoyama scenery of Boso all over your body.

A 500 yen numbered ticket is required to board the bus, but you can apply in advance, and early reservations are recommended on weekends during peak season!

This Kominato Railway has been in operation for more than 100 years, and all lines are still non-electrified (clean).
The train continues to be operated by a diesel-powered train. This is based on the idea of preserving "the nostalgia and warmth "in the changing times. The trains offer an extraordinary experience of a leisurely ride through the peaceful countryside in retro trains.
As a result of these activities, 22 facilities, including station buildings, bridges, and power plants, were registered as "national tangible registered cultural properties "in 2017, and "Kominato Railway and the scenery along the railway "was registered as "Chiba cultural assets "in 2018.

"Facility Information "
Name: Kominato Railway

Isumi Railway

Joso-Nakano Station, which also serves as a transfer station between Kominato Railway and Isumi Railway, is a spot where you can see two trains at the same time.
Both trains have a retro feel, but the atmosphere is a little different!
If you take both trains in a single trip, you can cross the Boso Peninsula, and since special tickets for crossing the Boso Peninsula are also available, why not enjoy both trains?

The Isumi Railway is a local line that runs from Ohara Station in Isumi City, Chiba Prefecture to Joso-Nakano Station in Otaki Town, running a total of 14 stations. The line offers a rich natural setting while taking a leisurely ride on a single train through the original landscape of old Japan. From Ohara Station near the sea to the inland area of Chiba Prefecture, visitors can enjoy seasonal scenery such as rape blossoms blooming from March to mid-April along 15 km of the 26.8 km line, ears of rice swaying green in early summer, and cosmos and higanbana flowers in autumn!

"Facility Information "
Name: Isumi Railway

Goi Station - Kaminakano

JR Goi Station is the starting point of the Kominato and Isumi Railway trip.
IC cards can be used up to this point, but note that the Kominato Railway is cash only! There is a touch panel where you can settle your IC card, but if the charge is not enough, settle it at the JR ticket gate.

Kominato Railway is a line on the JR Uchibo Line connecting Goi, Kamisou-ugiku, Takataki, Satomi, Tsukisaki, Yoro Gorge, and Kamisou Nakano. (Only major stations are picked up)

If you have some time before the train you want, please visit "and visit ", the waiting room at .
It is a very stylish cafe. "It is said that the idea for Komina and the waiting room started when " were told that there was no place around Goi Station where people could shelter from rain, wind, heat or cold when waiting for buses or trains!
It will also serve as a breakfast spot, as you can enjoy coffee, tea, and interesting menu items such as safety first curry and gibierdok!

"Facility Information "
Name: Kominato Waiting Room
Address: 1-1-2 Goi-chuo Higashi, Ichihara-shi, Chiba 290-0054
Access: Kominato Railway "Goi "1 minute walk from the station
Tel: 0436-21-2411

Iiyu Station

Iiyasu is an unmanned station located in the satoyama area of Boso, and there are no notable tourist attractions in the surrounding area.

So why is this Iizyu station attracting so much attention on social networking sites? The answer is the large, black enclosure!

As we approached, we saw a woman's symbol by the door. Yes, this is a women's restroom, and it is also the largest open-air restroom in the world "" and the largest restroom in the world "" , as it is said by those in the know.

Tsukisaki Station

Tsukisaki Station is one stop away from Iyasu in the direction of Yoro Gorge, and is the closest station to the geological formation that inspired the "Chibanian "naming of the station.
"Tibetan "means "Chiba Era ". Because the most recent geomagnetic inversion was recorded in a stratum in Tabuchi, Ichihara City, it was recognized worldwide as a geological formation that clearly shows the boundaries separating the eras, and was the first Japanese geological era to be named after a geological era.

Since it is not easy to understand how amazing it is when you actually visit the site, as there are only geological formations along the river, it is recommended that you stop by the visitor center and learn a little before visiting the site.

Since the tourist spots in Tsukisaki are a little far from the station, it is convenient to rent a bicycle at Y Shop Asahiya in front of the station.

"Tibanian Visitor Center Basic Information "
Address: 1157 Tabuchi, Ichihara City, Chiba Prefecture
Phone number: 0436-96-2755
Access: Approx. 2 km from Tsukisaki Station

Yoro Gorge Station

At Yoro Gorge Station, the retro station building is also a highlight. It is located in a rich natural setting and has a very tranquil atmosphere.
Also, since it is the closest station to "Yoro Gorge ", the most major tourist attraction along the Kominato Railway, many sightseeing buses and other vehicles were parked at the bus stop in front of the station.

It is recommended to take the local bus to Yoro Gorge, as it is a bit far to go there on foot!
Yoro Gorge Station is also the nearest station to the spectacular rape blossoms.
It is about a 20-30 minute walk from the station, so please visit.

Awamata Falls "is said to be the most famous waterfall in Boso. "is a 30-meter wide waterfall that flows down a gentle rock face like a slide for about 100 meters. It is especially beautiful during the fall foliage season, and is the best sightseeing spot in Yoro Gorge.

"Awamata Falls Basic Information "
Address: Awamata, Otaki Town, Chiba Prefecture
Access: 18 minutes from Yoro Gorge Station by local bus

This Yoro Valley also has a unique tunnel. It is known as the double-decker tunnel "Kyoei-Mukoyama Tunnel ". At first glance, it looks like a normal tunnel, but once inside, you will find a mysterious two-story tunnel.
This was created when a new Kyoei Tunnel was dug under the original unexcavated Mukaiyama Tunnel, which has recently become a popular spot for "viewing ".

"Basic Information on Kyoei and Mukaiyama Tunnels "
Address: 176 Kudo, Otaki Town, Chiba Prefecture
Access: 8 min. by bus from Yoro Gorge Stn. "Get off at Hongmun-dong Entrance "

Incidentally, it is difficult to photograph the train you boarded passing through the rape field in time, so you will have to photograph the next train or the train running in the opposite lane from the rape field.
There are no cafes around the rape field, so please check train times carefully before visiting!

Kamiso-Nakano station - Ohara station

On the Isumi Railway, you will want to get off at "Otaki Station ". Otaki prospered in the old days as the castle town of Otaki Castle and is also known as the Little Edo of Boso. The castle town is associated with Honda Tadakatsu, one of the four Tokugawa kings, and a stroll around Otaki Castle and the old town is highly recommended.

Otaki station has the second largest number of passengers in Isumi Railway after Ohara station!
]Incidentally, Otaki Station has been selected as one of the 100 best stations in Kanto [and the headquarters of Isumi Railways is located here at Otaki Station!

Perhaps in anticipation of the large number of tourists who visit the station, a tourist information facility is located right in front of the station.
Here, you can conveniently apply for a rental bicycle, purchase souvenirs, and gather tourist information. Since there are few spots along the railroad line where you can procure souvenirs, why not stop by?

Ohara Station

Ohara Station, the terminus of the Isumi Railway.
It is said to be the largest station along the Isumi Railway line, which is also served by the JR Sotobo Line.

There is also a retro coffee shop in front of the station, which is a great place to relax and spend some time before the next train! Ohara Station is also located on the edge of Chiba, right next to the ocean!
It is a station where you can feel the smell of the sea, so those who ride from Goi can also enjoy the sense of accomplishment of crossing the Boso Peninsula, which is recommended!


Incidentally, the official name of this Otaki station is "Dental Support Otaki Station ".
How did they come up with such a station name? I found out that Dental Support is the name of a company in Chiba City that provides on-site dental care support, and that the name was chosen after Isumi Railroad transferred the naming rights to Otaki Station in 2009.

Isumi Railway has taken over the local lines of Japan National Railways and is known to be in a difficult business situation. It is said that the sale of station names was one of the measures to make such a business situation as profitable as possible.

Otaki Station is also famous for being the first place in Chiba Prefecture where water-soluble natural gas was discovered, and a gas lamp stands in the station name as a symbol of this discovery.
Since its opening in 1930, about 400 passengers a day have boarded and alighted at the station!

If you can go sightseeing with this background, you will be able to make your local train trip more fulfilling.

There are many places along the Kominato and Isumi Railways lines that can be reached on foot, by renting a bicycle, or by public transportation.
The Kominato Railway is fun to ride and photograph, but a day of leisurely sightseeing along the line is also recommended.
Why not choose it as a place for a relaxing weekend trip?

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