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[Traveling alone for women ]Tips for traveling alone in Japan - how to choose a destination and prepare for the trip.

[Traveling alone for women ]Tips for traveling alone in Japan - how to choose a destination and prepare for the trip.


In recent years, "solo travel "has been attracting a lot of attention. While traveling with friends is fun and enjoyable, there are also many attractions to traveling alone. In this article, we will introduce the charms of traveling alone, tips on how to choose a destination, and recommended spots for solo travelers. This article is recommended for those who have never traveled alone or those who are not comfortable traveling alone. Please refer to this article and enjoy your solo trip!

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"Travel alone "What's the fun in that?

"In recent years, various "words such as "one-person karaoke" and "one-person movie" have emerged, and the number of people enjoying themselves alone has been increasing.
It is your own original trip where you can see only what you like, where you want to go, and what you want to see. That is what a solo trip is.

Traveling alone as a woman seems like a hurdle.

Many people have negative images of women who travel alone, such as "not good at group activities "or "a lonely person with no friends ". However, those who actually travel alone enjoy their trip with a surprisingly fresh and dignified attitude.

In addition, many people enjoy the opportunity to travel both alone and with friends.
When you are busy every day, you tend to put yourself on the back burner. Traveling alone is a great way to spend a wonderful time thinking about yourself first.

Why is traveling alone attracting so much attention?

According to a survey by one company, the most common reason for traveling alone was "to travel freely and without worrying about others "(79%). Next were "to pursue hobbies at the destination "(30%) and "to escape reality away from their normal life "(29%).

As for whether they felt lonely, 69% said "they did not feel lonely ".
Perhaps it is because there are usually few opportunities to be completely alone that people are looking to travel alone once in a while to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city and refresh themselves.

When you are traveling with someone, it is quite common that time is spent chatting about work, school, etc., even during travel time or while in a hot spring bath.
I am sure many of you have experienced that you are supposed to be on vacation, but you have not completely forgotten your daily life.
That is fun, but experience a different kind of fun when you travel alone, where you can see all the scenery and notice unusual places during your trip.

How many of you have traveled alone?

A survey by one company found that a high percentage of women have traveled alone, 54.4% overall.
By destination, domestic or international, "domestic "42.2%, "overseas "3.6%, "neither domestic nor international "8.6% followed, indicating that more than 10% of women have also traveled abroad alone, although a high percentage have chosen domestic.
If you feel that traveling abroad alone is a bit of a hurdle, or if it is your first time, we recommend that you start by traveling alone in Japan!

Travel Mae - Tips for deciding where to travel

Preparation before setting out on a trip is a trick that is unique to traveling alone.
Those who are going on a solo trip for the first time, in particular, will have an even more fulfilling travel time if they are careful and prepared.

The destination is decided by "longing "x "transportation "

When traveling with friends, you may have experienced that the places you want to go on a trip are rejected, or that you have to be careful and go with your friends to the places they want to go.
However, traveling alone allows you to visit places that interest you.

That is why this is the perfect opportunity to visit places you would not normally go, or places you have always wanted to visit.
When considering a destination, please visit "and visit ", the place you've always wanted to visit.

Another important factor is "transportation ".
Of course, driving alone is also recommended, but many people are a little afraid of renting a car for a solo female traveler. Such people can make the most of their time, especially if they choose a location where the places they want to visit are accessible by train and bus!

Also, the time when you are likely to feel lonely during your first trip alone is "travel time ".
By reducing that travel time as much as possible, you can enjoy your trip alone without feeling lonely.

Hotels offer a little luxury.

Staying in a single room in a business hotel is a good option, but to make your travel time even more luxurious, we recommend staying at a ryokan or a famous hotel.

Safety is one of the concerns of solo travelers, and we recommend staying at a hotel near a train station or a hotel with excellent security.

Soak in the hot spring as long as you like at any time without worrying about anyone else, and spend quality time to refresh yourself from the fatigue of traveling.

"I don't care about perfect "

Once you have decided on a destination, do some preliminary research on the tourist attractions you would like to visit.

It is natural to want everything to be perfect because you are alone, but it is normal for travel to be troublesome. "Try to focus on enjoying the space in front of you and savoring the unusual so that you don't have to "handle the trip perfectly.

So the trick to planning a trip is to "loose ".

Traveling with a minute-by-minute itinerary is of course fine, but when traveling alone, we encourage you to plan your itinerary with plenty of time to spare.
This way, you may be able to make new discoveries while walking around town.

In fact, by walking around town without looking at a map and my cell phone, I was able to see the Big Buddha, which is not on the tourist book, and experienced an emotion that I still can't forget.

Four domestic spots for first-time solo travelers

Gifu (pn)

Gifu Prefecture is a place where you can access many tourist attractions without a car.
Gifu Castle is located on a mountain higher than you can imagine, so you can enjoy the pleasure of climbing a mountain by yourself at the same time.
In addition to Gifu Castle, there are many sightseeing spots in Gifu, including the old streets of Kawaramachi, Inanami Shrine, Gifu Daibutsu Buddha, Nagaragawa Onsen, Sekigahara Battlefield, and Yoro Park.

While walking around the town, you may come across a golden shrine with a golden torii gate!
Gifu Prefecture is easily accessible by train from Nagoya Station.
It is also close to Shiga Prefecture, so we recommend planning a Hikone Gifu trip.


The transportation system is well developed and accessible.
Enjoy your trip in various ways, such as visiting Osaka spots that are not usually visited by people in the know or visiting cafes.

Osaka Prefecture is home to many classic sightseeing spots. Around Tsutenkaku Tower, there are many restaurants where you can enjoy Osaka's specialties. It is also a place that is attracting even more attention because of the newly built slide on the Tsutenkaku Tower.

Other attractions include Expo Park, Minowa Great Falls, Osaka Castle, Tsurumi-ryokuchi, Universal Studios Japan, and Namba Yasaka Shrine, which has been the focus of much attention on SNS in recent years. There are many places to see.


Kanagawa Prefecture boasts an undeniable popularity among women's travelers.
Although popular areas such as Yokohama, Kamakura, and Hakone are scattered throughout the city, the transportation network is very well developed, making it easy to visit tourist attractions alone.

You can enjoy shopping and the city streets, but you can also enjoy nature, history, and hot springs.

A must-visit destination in Kanagawa Prefecture is Yokohama Chinatown.
There are three Chinatowns in Japan - Nagoya, Nagasaki, and Yokohama - but only Yokohama has more than 600 stores. It is the largest Chinatown in Japan.
You can get a taste of Chinese culture just by eating, walking around the city, and of course, eating.

Other romantic spots include Shonan and Minato Mirai, and nationally famous temples and shrines such as Tsurugaoka Hachiman Shrine and Kawasaki Daishi.
Hands-on museums such as the Hakone Glass Forest Museum and the Fujiko F. Fujio Museum.
There are many places to visit such as Enoshima, Misaki, Zushi, Hayama, and other places where you can feel the sea of Kanagawa.


A world-class tourist destination full of Japan's most famous sights, including Kiyomizu Temple, Kinkakuji Temple, Fushimi Inari, and Byodoin Temple. This is a spot where you can relax and enjoy the long history of the capital of Kyoto.

Because there are too many places to visit, such as Gion, Arashiyama, and Nishiki Market, to go around, it is attractive to enjoy a trip alone, focusing on the places you could not visit with your friends.

Kyoto also has a very well-developed bus and train system, which is another reason why we recommend that you feel comfortable traveling alone.

It is fun, though, to visit Kyoto Tower, Nishi Honganji Higashi Honganji, and other temple complexes around Kyoto Station,
Only a solo traveler can spend a luxurious and wonderful time without worrying about time while viewing the karesansui (dry landscape garden) in Arashiyama.

Across the street from the Kyoto National Museum, Rengeoin Temple is famous for its 1,000-story National Treasure "standing statue of the Thousand-Armed Kannon (Goddess of Mercy) ".
It is called "Sanjusangendo "because of the 33 inner pillars of the main hall, which is about 120 meters long.

The magnificent exterior and. The sight of the ten rows of life-size standing statues of the thousand-armed Kannon inside, lined up in front and back, is a sight to behold. And all of these Kannon statues are said to have different faces.
Immerse yourself in the exhibits without worrying about being seen.


It tends to have a negative impression such as high hurdles. "Traveling alone as a woman ".
It is one thing to say that traveling is fun because of the excitement of being in a large group, but spending two or three days with friends, even if you know each other well, is surprisingly attentive and exhausting.
If your goal is to relax and forget the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it is highly recommended to spend some time alone and self-centered once in a while.
We encourage you to plan a solo trip using the tips for trip preparation and travel destinations introduced in this article.
Why not experience the extraordinary with a travel plan just for you, full of your own personal preferences, which you cannot experience on ordinary trips?

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